Board of Directors | November 22, 2022

Dear Members, you are hereby notified that a Annual Meeting of the Lot Owners will be held on November 30, 2022, at 6:00 P.M., at Elk Creek Elementary 13304 US Highway 285, Pine, CO 80470. The purpose of the meeting is to, (1) Review and discuss the 2023 Budget, vote on an increase of the annual assessment.
Please note: A quorum of thirty percent (30%) of the votes entitled to be cast is required, in order for the vote to take place. Votes are based on one vote per Lot.
Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restriction for Douglass Ranch: Article IV Assessments section 4.2 (b). From and after January 1, 1989, the Annual Assessment may be increased above five percent by a vote of 66 and two-thirds percent of the Members who are voting in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for that purpose.
Proxy Forms
Proxy forms were included with the formal notice postmarked on November 17, 2022. A proxy form was included with the formal notice mailed. Please plan on attending the meeting. If you are unable to attend, you may download a copy of the proxy form here. please return you form prior to the annual meeting of the members to the Association's Secretary, Andréa Swenson, by mail at P.O. Box 603, Pine CO 80470 or email a .PDF document of you proxy form to:
Call to Order
Approval of the Agenda
3. Report of Officers and Standing Committee
President Report | Veris Simms
Secretary Report | Andréa Swenson
Treasurer Report | Todd Williams
a. Review and discuss the 2023 budget, vote on an increase of the annual assessment fees. The 2023 budget proposal will be posted on the website in a downloadable format, prior to the annual meeting. Copies will also be provided at the meeting.
Roads & Grounds Report | Veris Simms
Firewise Committee Report | Veris Simms, Committee Chair
a. Douglass Ranch Wildfire Mitigation Survey, Tom Washburn
b. Firewise Renewal Certification
c. Firewise Risk Assessment for 2024
d. Firewise Newsletter, Seana Nestegard
Elk Creek Fire Department Ambassadors:
a. Presentation by Mike & Cathy Rheinberger
Governing Documents Committee | Veris Simms, Chair
a. Small Group Discussion Results
b. Schedule a Large Group Forum
Design Review Committee Report | Richard Koth, Chair
4. New Business
Community Communications: E-broadcasts (campaigns) using WIX Ascend. Cost is $120 per month for five (5) email campaigns, or ~ $0.25 a month per lot owner.
a. Vote to approve the community pay $120.00 per year for the WIX Basic Ascend plan for five (5) E-broadcasts per month for community news, updates, and social events.
Motion by Acclamation: Nominees for the 2023 Board of Directors.
List of Nominees:
- Tricia Jensen
- Anamaria Popescu
- Veris Simms
- Todd Williams
Open Forum to the Members at Large
a. Association Members will be allowed the floor for 2-minutes.
5. Adjournment
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