New Date & Time!
Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Annie Popescu | WDR Social Committee
Travel Around the World
Guessing Game.

You are cordially invited to join the Women of Douglass Ranch Unofficial Social Committee at the Senjem House.

Transport your imagination to amazing and exotic destinations as you join in the fun for a Travel Around the World guessing game. Challenge your travel knowledge and geography expertise as you guess the destination using photos from your friends and neighbors. Immerse yourself in a thrilling journey without leaving home!
Here's What to do:
Kindly send 2 to 3 snapshots capturing your favorite travel destination memories to Pam Senjem. Rest assured that she will maintain the secrecy of your chosen spot. Guessing Game Rules: Remember, don't spill the beans! No guessing before hand. 😉
What to Bring:
Bring an Appetizer or Dessert.

L o c a t i o n
The Senjem House.
D a t e & T i m e
Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 5:30 PM

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