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Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 4:00PM



1.     Call to Order


2.     Approval of the Agenda


Reports of Officers and Standing Committees:

1.     Treasurer's Report | Todd Williams


2.     Roads & Grounds Committee | Ananmaria Popescu, Chair

a.     Douglass Ranch Drive


3.     Firewise Committee | Veris Simms, Chair


New business:

Read-through, Review, and Discuss Revised Policies

a.     Policy I - Collection


b.     Policy II - Conflict of Interest


c.     Policy III - Conduct of Meeting


d.     Policy IV - Enforcement


e.     Policy IX - Reserve Study


9.     Adjournment    


Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Meeting ID: 816 7236 3408     Password: 120940 


You can also dial in using your phone.

United States +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) • +1 253 205 0468 US

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