Douglass Ranch Extinguisher
March/April 2023
Vol.1 Issue 5
Happy Spring Everyone!
Now that we are out of hibernation, it is time to spring into action and do a bit of spring cleaning.
I hate to spring it on you, but with the start of Spring comes fire season. We all hope that we will dodge yet another bullet and survive a season without incident. The Firewise Program offers extremely helpful information to assist neighbors in hopefully saving lives, structures, and property.
All this information can be accessed on our very own website!
Go to > Firewise News and Information,
More Firewise References (bottom page)
Click on Firewise Communities
This will take you to the Firewise USA Public Education page.
Click on the tab > Prepare Your Home.
The big takeaway bit of information is that the primary threat to homes during a wildfire are embers (see also https://www.douglassranch.org/firewise-about). There are methods for homeowners to prepare their homes to withstand ember attacks. Homes ignite due to conditions of the home and everything around it up to 200 ft. from the foundation. This is called the "Home Ignition Zone" (HIZ). I would highly recommend all of us familiarize ourselves with the Firewise suggestions and start our Spring Cleaning!
As always, let’s all be safe!
Firewise Committee