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DR Pavement Evaluation & Maintenance Plan.

Writer's picture: Annie Jerz (Popescu)Annie Jerz (Popescu)

Updated: Jun 21, 2024

Roads and Grounds News & Information.

Anamaria Popescu | June 11, 2024

Dear Community Members:

In April we hired Grounds Engineering, as part of the approved budget, to evaluate the conditions of our private roads and culverts and provide a long term maintenance plan with estimated costs.  Their evaluation and suggestions are attached in this report. (see link below)
After discussing this report with them, the bottom line for our roads is that we do not do any more seal coating of the roads, and reserve crack sealing only on an as-needed basis on large transverse cracks. It is not cost effective and is not a good long-term solution based on the age and thickness of the roads.
Eventually, we will have to either:

1) Crack Patching (estimated at $3,000 to $5,000 per road)
2) Full Depth crack patching (estimated at $15,000 per road)
3) Future full depth road removal and replacement (estimated at $50,000 to $90,000 per private road)
Right now, none of the roads need any of these items and our reserve does not allow for full depth road replacement. So we will operate on a “wait and see” basis, observing any potholes or road deterioration that requires either items 1 or 2.       
Eventually, when we build up enough reserves we will need to start replacing the roads themselves but that may be 3 to 6 years from now. When that is done, the order of priority in full road replacement based on the deterioration of the roads is the following:

1) Meadow Ridge,
2) Gordon Court,
3) Drake Court,
4) Baldwin Court and then,
5) May Long Court.
However, please bring to my attention any roads that look like they need either crack repair or full depth crack repair or are getting potholes so we address those items before the pavement gets too bad.
Therefore, for now, our priority as our budget permits this year and the next is as follows:

1. Clean out the culverts (we will schedule a volunteer community day this summer to do this).
2. Add landscaping rock to the eroded area on Baldwin court to prevent future wash outs.
3. Clean out the gully on Meadow Ridge to ensure proper water flow.
4. Replace stairs on Gordon Court at Open Space areas since these have been neglected for many years and now are creating a hazard for the fire fighters and community members wanting to use the path.                                                                    

Please reach out directly to me with any questions regarding the result of the survey and our proposed next steps.  

Thank you,                 
Anamaria Popescu

DRPOA Vice President/Roads and Grounds Chair

Douglass Ranch Property Owners Assoc.

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