March 04, 2025 | Paul Swenson, Vice President

Dear Association Members,
The Douglass Ranch Property Owners Association will hold its 2025 budget ratification meeting at the Elk Creek Elementary School on March 13, 2025, at 6:00 PM.
The Board of Directors approved the draft budget at its February 26, 2025, meeting. Links to the agenda, draft budget, and a proxy form are located below. These documents were also sent out Saturday, March 1, to all of our members via USPS. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please consider completing the proxy form to delegate one of your neighbors to vote in your place.
The Board also will be soliciting input on filling the open seat left by Dan McAtee’s resignation. Time will be allowed to discuss the process, receive nominations from the floor at the March 13 meeting, and vote for a new officer. The vote will be used to inform the Board of the community’s preference, but the Board will appoint the new member, consistent with our governing documents and CCIOA. The term for the new board member will run to the end of 2025. A new Board officer will be elected at our annual meeting to be held later this year to fill the seat for a full term.
We encourage you to attend so you may provide your input into these two important actions.
Paul Swenson,
Communications Director,
Treasurer, and Roads & Grounds Chair
Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Meeting Minutes; Board Meeting February 26, 2025
IV. Approval of amended Meeting Minutes; Board Meeting November 1, 2024
V. Discussion on amending Bylaws to revise meeting notification policies from USPS
mail to electronic (email and website) notifications.
VI. Community discussion on filling the Board seat vacated by Dan McAtee
A. The (4) Board members will fulfill our responsibility of appointing a
replacement by appointing the member of the community with the most
votes at this meeting.
B. Candidate nominations will be taken from the floor during the meeting.
C. The candidate with the most votes in this meeting will be officially
appointed to fill the seat for a term that will commence immediately and will
end January 1, 2026.
D. A normal election will occur at the annual meeting at the end of 2025 to
elect a Board member to serve a standard 2 year term.
VII. 2025 Annual Association Budget
A. Budget Presentation, Paul Swenson, DRPOA Treasurer
B. Discussion
C. Ratification of 2025 Budget
VIII. Adjournment
Got Questions? Contact Us!
