Online Board Meeting, Sunday, November 13 at 4:00 PM

Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of the Agenda
III. Approval of the Minutes
IV. Reports of Officers and Standing Committees:
1. Treasurer's Report | Todd Williams
2. Roads & Grounds | Veris Simms
a. Drake Ct. road repair completed
b. Contract for snow plowing from Wyatt
3. Firewise Committee | Veris Simms, Interim Committee Chair
a. Committee meeting recap from 11-9-22.
i. Douglass Ranch Wildfire Mitigation Survey, Tom Washburn
ii. Firewise Renewal Certification
iii. Firewise Risk Assessment for 2024
iv. Firewise newsletter, Seana Nestegard
4. Elk Creek Fire Department Ambassadors, Mike & Cathy Rheinberger
VI. Unfinished business :
1. Community Communications E-Broadcasts with WIX Ascend.