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Policies and Procedures

Pursuant to Colorado Law, homeowner associations are required to adopt policies, procedures, and rules and regulations in nine areas of governance. The statutory reference is: C.R.S. §38-33.3-209.5(1)

Policy I - Collections

Purpose:  To establish a uniform and systematic procedure for collecting Assessments and other charges of the Association, thus ensuring the financial well-being of the Association.

Policy III - Conduct of Meetings

Purpose:  To establish a uniform and systematic protocol for conducting Association meetings, including Members’ meetings and Board meetings; to ensure  equitable participation by Members while permitting the Board to conduct the business of the Association; and to memorialize the circumstances under which the Board may convene into executive session.

Policy V - Inspection and Copying of Association Records

Purpose:  all records maintained by the association must be available for examination and copying by a unit owner or the owner's authorized agent. The association may require unit owners to submit a written request, describing with reasonable particularity the records sought, ...

Policy II - Conflict of Interest

Purpose:  To adopt a policy and procedure to be followed when a Board member has a conflict of interest to ensure proper disclosure of the conflict and voting procedures

Policy IV - Convenant Enforcement

Purpose:  To adopt a policy setting forth procedures for the enforcement of the Association’s restrictive

covenants and rules.

Policy VI - Investments of Reserve Funds

Purpose:  To institute proper guidelines for the ongoing management of the Association's investment of its reserve funds.

Dry Woods

Policies and Procedures

Pursuant to Colorado Law, homeowner associations are required to adopt policies, procedures, and rules and regulations in nine areas of governance. The statutory reference is: C.R.S. §38-33.3-209.5(1)

Policy VII - Adoption and Amendments of Policies, Procedures, and Rules

Purpose:  Adoption or amendment of any policy, procedure or rule shall be performed only at a meeting of the Board of Directors open to all Members or their representatives

Policy IX - Reserve Study


The purpose of the Reserve Fund shall be to responsibly fund and finance the projected repair

and replacement of those portions of the Community for which the Association is responsible and for

such other funding as the Board of Directors may determine. The portions of the Community for which the Association is responsible typically have limited but reasonably predictable useful lives.

Policy VIII - Alternative Dispute  Resolution

Purpose:  The following policy and procedure has been adopted by the Douglass Ranch Property Owners Association, Inc. ("Association") pursuant to Colorado statutes, for addressing disputes arising between the Association and Owners.

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